fhirpath package


fhirpath.cli module

fhirpath.constraints module

fhirpath.constraints.required_finalized(obj: object) → None[source]
fhirpath.constraints.required_from_resource(obj: object) → None[source]
fhirpath.constraints.required_not_finalized(obj: object) → None[source]
fhirpath.constraints.required_value_not_assigned(obj: object) → None[source]

fhirpath.enums module

class fhirpath.enums.EngineQueryType(value)[source]

Bases: enum.Enum

COUNT: str = 'COUNT'
DDL: str = 'DDL'
DML: str = 'DML'
class fhirpath.enums.FHIR_VERSION(value)[source]

Bases: enum.Enum

Release:str : Version:str

DEFAULT: str = 'R4'
DSTU2: str = '1.0.2'
R4: str = '4.0.1'
STU3: str = '3.0.2'
static normalize(item)[source]
class fhirpath.enums.GroupType(value)[source]

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

class fhirpath.enums.MatchType(value)[source]

Bases: enum.Enum

ALL: str = 'ALL'
ANY: str = 'ANY'
NONE: str = 'NONE'
ONE: str = 'ONE'
class fhirpath.enums.OPERATOR(value)[source]

Bases: enum.Enum

and_: Callable = <built-in function and_>
ap(b: Any) → Any

approximately the value for the parameter in the resource is approximately the same to the provided value. Note that the recommended value for the approximation is 10% of the stated value (or for a date, 10% of the gap between now and the date), but systems may choose other values where appropriate

concat: Callable = <built-in function concat>
contains: Callable = <built-in function contains>
eb(b: Any) → Any

ends-before the value for the parameter in the resource ends before the provided value the range of the search value does overlap not with the range of the target value, and the range below the search value contains the range of the target value

eq: Callable = <built-in function eq>
ge: Callable = <built-in function ge>
gt: Callable = <built-in function gt>
le: Callable = <built-in function le>
lt: Callable = <built-in function lt>
ne: Callable = <built-in function ne>
neg: Callable = <built-in function neg>
not_: Callable = <built-in function not_>
or_: Callable = <built-in function or_>
pos: Callable = <built-in function pos>
sa(b: Any) → Any

starts-after the value for the parameter in the resource starts after the provided value the range of the search value does not overlap with the range of the target value, and the range above the search value contains the range of the target value

sub: Callable = <built-in function sub>
xor: Callable = <built-in function xor>
class fhirpath.enums.SortOrderType(value)[source]

Bases: enum.Enum

ASC: str = 'asc'
DESC: str = 'desc'
class fhirpath.enums.TermMatchType(value)[source]

Bases: enum.Enum

EXACT: str = 'EXACT'
class fhirpath.enums.WhereConstraintType(value)[source]

Bases: enum.Enum

T1: str = 'T1'
T2: str = 'T2'
T3: str = 'T3'
fhirpath.enums.ap(a: Any, b: Any) → Any[source]

approximately the value for the parameter in the resource is approximately the same to the provided value. Note that the recommended value for the approximation is 10% of the stated value (or for a date, 10% of the gap between now and the date), but systems may choose other values where appropriate

fhirpath.enums.eb(a: Any, b: Any) → Any[source]

ends-before the value for the parameter in the resource ends before the provided value the range of the search value does overlap not with the range of the target value, and the range below the search value contains the range of the target value

fhirpath.enums.sa(a: Any, b: Any) → Any[source]

starts-after the value for the parameter in the resource starts after the provided value the range of the search value does not overlap with the range of the target value, and the range above the search value contains the range of the target value

fhirpath.exceptions module

exception fhirpath.exceptions.ConstraintNotSatisfied[source]

Bases: zope.interface.exceptions.Invalid

exception fhirpath.exceptions.MultipleResultsFound[source]

Bases: zope.interface.exceptions.Invalid

exception fhirpath.exceptions.NoResultFound[source]

Bases: zope.interface.exceptions.Invalid

exception fhirpath.exceptions.ValidationError[source]

Bases: fhirpath.exceptions.ConstraintNotSatisfied

fhirpath.fhirpath module

Main module.

class fhirpath.fhirpath.ClassInfo[source]

Bases: object

baseType: fhirpath.types.TypeSpecifier
static build_elements(model_class: Type[FHIRAbstractModel]) → List[fhirpath.fhirpath.ClassInfoElement][source]
element: List[fhirpath.fhirpath.ClassInfoElement]
classmethod from_model(model_class: Type[FHIRAbstractModel])ClassInfo[source]
get_elements() → List[fhirpath.fhirpath.ClassInfoElement][source]
name: str
namespace: str
class fhirpath.fhirpath.ClassInfoElement(name: str, *, py_name: str, type_: fhirpath.types.TypeSpecifier, is_one_based: bool = None, one_of_many_name: str = None)[source]

Bases: object

classmethod from_model_field(field: pydantic.fields.ModelField)fhirpath.fhirpath.ClassInfoElement[source]
isOneBased: Optional[bool]
name: str
type: fhirpath.types.TypeSpecifier
class fhirpath.fhirpath.FHIRPath(_obj: Any, predecessor: Optional[fhirpath.fhirpath.FHIRPath] = None)[source]

Bases: abc.ABC



5.7.1. abs() : Integer | Decimal | Quantity Returns the absolute value of the input. When taking the absolute value of a quantity, the unit is unchanged.

If the input collection is empty, the result is empty.

If the input collection contains multiple items, the evaluation of the expression will end and signal an error to the calling environment.

`` (-5).abs() // 5 (-5.5).abs() // 5.5 (-5.5 ‘mg’).abs() // 5.5 ‘mg’ ``


5.1.3. all(criteria : expression) : Boolean Returns true if for every element in the input collection, criteria evaluates to true. Otherwise, the result is false. If the input collection is empty ({ }), the result is true.

generalPractitioner.all($this is Practitioner)


5.1.6. allFalse() : Boolean Takes a collection of Boolean values and returns true if all the items are false. If any items are true, the result is false. If the input is empty ({ }), the result is true.

The following example returns true if none of the components of the Observation have a value greater than 90 mm[Hg]: Observation.select(component.value > 90 'mm[Hg]').allFalse()


5.1.4. allTrue() : Boolean Takes a collection of Boolean values and returns true if all the items are true. If any items are false, the result is false. If the input is empty ({ }), the result is true.

The following example returns true if all of the components of the Observation have a value greater than 90 mm[Hg]: Observation.select(component.value > 90 'mm[Hg]').allTrue()


5.1.7. anyFalse() : Boolean Takes a collection of Boolean values and returns true if any of the items are false. If all the items are true, or if the input is empty ({ }), the result is false.

he following example returns true if any of the components of the Observation have a value that is not greater than 90 mm[Hg]: Observation.select(component.value > 90 'mm[Hg]').anyFalse()


5.1.5. anyTrue() : Boolean Takes a collection of Boolean values and returns true if any of the items are true. If all the items are false, or if the input is empty ({ }), the result is false.

The following example returns true if any of the components of the Observation have a value greater than 90 mm[Hg]: Observation.select(component.value > 90 'mm[Hg]').anyTrue()

as_(type_cls: Union[type, str])[source]

6.3.4. as(type : type specifier) The as() function is supported for backwards compatibility with previous implementations of FHIRPath. Just as with the as keyword, the type argument is an identifier that must resolve to the name of a type in a model. For implementations with compile-time typing, this requires special-case handling when processing the argument to treat is a type specifier rather than an identifier expression: `` Observation.component.where(value.as(Quantity) > 30 ‘mg’) ``

static build_fhir_abstract_type_info(klass: Type[FHIRAbstractModel], is_one_based: bool = True) → Union[fhirpath.fhirpath.ClassInfo, fhirpath.fhirpath.ListTypeInfo, fhirpath.fhirpath.TupleTypeInfo][source]
static build_type_info_from_el(element: Union[fhirpath.fhirpath.ClassInfoElement, fhirpath.fhirpath.TupleTypeInfoElement]) → Union[fhirpath.fhirpath.ClassInfo, fhirpath.fhirpath.SimpleTypeInfo, fhirpath.fhirpath.ListTypeInfo, fhirpath.fhirpath.TupleTypeInfo][source]

5.7.2. ceiling() : Integer Returns the first integer greater than or equal to the input.

If the input collection is empty, the result is empty.

If the input collection contains multiple items, the evaluation of the expression will end and signal an error to the calling environment.

`` 1.ceiling() // 1 1.1.ceiling() // 2 (-1.1).ceiling() // -1 ``


5.8.1. children() : collection Returns a collection with all immediate child nodes of all items in the input collection. Note that the ordering of the children is undefined and using functions like first() on the result may return different results on different platforms.


5.4.2. combine(other : collection) : collection Merge the input and other collections into a single collection without eliminating duplicate values. Combining an empty collection with a non-empty collection will return the non-empty collection. There is no expectation of order in the resulting collection.


6.4.3. contains (containership) If the right operand is a collection with a single item, this operator returns true if the item is in the left operand using equality semantics. If the right-hand side of the operator is empty, the result is empty, if the left-hand side is empty, the result is false. This is the converse operation of in.

The following example returns true if the list of given names for the Patient has ‘Joe’ in it:

Patient.name.given contains 'Joe'


5.6.5. contains(substring : String) : Boolean Returns true when the given substring is a substring of the input string.

If substring is the empty string (‘’), the result is true.

If the input collection is empty, the result is empty.

If the input collection contains multiple items, the evaluation of the expression will end and signal an error to the calling environment.

`` ‘abc’.contains(‘b’) // true ‘abc’.contains(‘bc’) // true ‘abc’.contains(‘d’) // false ``

`` Note: The .contains() function described here is a string function that looks for a substring in a string. This is different than the contains operator, which is a list operator that looks for an element in a list. ``

static convert_and_cache_elements(elements: Union[List[fhirpath.fhirpath.ClassInfoElement], List[fhirpath.fhirpath.TupleTypeInfoElement]]) → None[source]

5.5.2. convertsToBoolean() : Boolean If the input collection contains a single item, this function will return true if:

  • the item is a Boolean

  • the item is an Integer that is equal to one of the possible integer representations of Boolean values

  • the item is a Decimal that is equal to one of the possible decimal representations of Boolean values

  • the item is a String that is equal to one of the possible string representations of Boolean values

If the item is not one of the above types, or the item is a String, Integer, or Decimal, but is not equal to one of the possible values convertible to a Boolean, the result is false.

Possible values for Integer, Decimal, and String are described in the toBoolean() function.

If the input collection contains multiple items, the evaluation of the expression will end and signal an error to the calling environment.

If the input collection is empty, the result is empty.


5.5.4. convertsToDate() : Boolean If the input collection contains a single item, this function will return true if:

  • the item is a Date

  • the item is a DateTime

  • the item is a String and is convertible to a Date

If the item is not one of the above types, or is not convertible to a Date (using the format YYYY-MM-DD), the result is false.

If the item contains a partial date (e.g. ‘2012-01’), the result is a partial date.

If the input collection contains multiple items, the evaluation of the expression will end and signal an error to the calling environment.

If the input collection is empty, the result is empty.


5.5.5. convertsToDateTime() : Boolean If the input collection contains a single item, this function will return true if:

  • the item is a DateTime

  • the item is a Date

  • the item is a String and is convertible to a DateTime

If the item is not one of the above types, or is not convertible to a DateTime (using the format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.fff(+|-)hh:mm), the result is false.

If the input collection contains multiple items, the evaluation of the expression will end and signal an error to the calling environment.

If the input collection is empty, the result is empty.


5.5.6. convertsToDecimal() : Boolean If the input collection contains a single item, this function will true if:

  • the item is an Integer or Decimal

  • the item is a String and is convertible to a Decimal

  • the item is a Boolean

If the item is not one of the above types, or is not convertible to a Decimal (using the regex format (+|-)?d+(.d+)?), the result is false.

If the input collection contains multiple items, the evaluation of the expression will end and signal an error to the calling environment.

If the input collection is empty, the result is empty.


5.5.3 convertsToInteger() : Boolean If the input collection contains a single item, this function will return true if:

  • the item is an Integer

  • the item is a String and is convertible to an Integer

  • the item is a Boolean

If the item is not one of the above types, or the item is a String, but is not convertible to an Integer (using the regex format (+|-)?d+), the result is false.

If the input collection contains multiple items, the evaluation of the expression will end and signal an error to the calling environment.

If the input collection is empty, the result is empty.


5.5.7. convertsToQuantity([unit : String]) : Boolean If the input collection contains a single item, this function will return true if:

  • the item is an Integer, Decimal, or Quantity

  • the item is a String that is convertible to a Quantity

  • the item is a Boolean

If the item is not one of the above types, or is not convertible to a Quantity using the following regex format: (?'value'(\+|-)?\d+(\.\d+)?)\s*('(?'unit'[^']+)'|(?'time'[a-zA-Z]+))? then the result is false.

If the input collection contains multiple items, the evaluation of the expression will end and signal an error to the calling environment.

If the input collection is empty, the result is empty. @see https://www.hl7.org/fhirpath/#convertstoquantityunit-string-boolean


5.5.8. convertsToString() : String If the input collection contains a single item, this function will return true if:

  • the item is a String

  • the item is an Integer, Decimal, Date, Time, or DateTime

  • the item is a Boolean

  • the item is a Quantity

If the item is not one of the above types, the result is false.

If the input collection contains multiple items, the evaluation of the expression will end and signal an error to the calling environment.

If the input collection is empty, the result is empty.


5.5.9 convertsToTime() : Boolean If the input collection contains a single item, this function will return true if:

  • the item is a Time

  • the item is a String and is convertible to a Time

If the item is not one of the above types, or is not convertible to a Time (using the format hh:mm:ss.fff(+|-)hh:mm), the result is false.

If the input collection contains multiple items, the evaluation of the expression will end and signal an error to the calling environment.

If the input collection is empty, the result is empty.

count() → int[source]

5.1.10. count() : Integer Returns the integer count of the number of items in the input collection. Returns 0 when the input collection is empty.


5.8.2. descendants() : collection Returns a collection with all descendant nodes of all items in the input collection. The result does not include the nodes in the input collection themselves. This function is a shorthand for repeat(children()). Note that the ordering of the children is undefined and using functions like first() on the result may return different results on different platforms.

note`` Note: Many of these functions will result in a set of nodes of different underlying types. It may be necessary to use ofType() as described in the previous section to maintain type safety. See Type safety and strict evaluation for more information about type safe use of FHIRPath expressions. ``


5.1.11. distinct() : collection Returns a collection containing only the unique items in the input collection. To determine whether two items are the same, the = (Equals) (=) operator is used, as defined below.

If the input collection is empty ({ }), the result is empty.

Note that the order of elements in the input collection is not guaranteed to be preserved in the result.

The following example returns the distinct list of tags on the given Patient: Patient.meta.tag.distinct()

static element_from_predecessor(predecessor: fhirpath.fhirpath.FHIRPath, prop_name: str) → Union[fhirpath.fhirpath.ClassInfoElement, fhirpath.fhirpath.TupleTypeInfoElement][source]
empty() → bool[source]

5.1.1. empty() : Boolean Returns true if the input collection is empty ({ }) and false otherwise.


5.6.4. endsWith(suffix : String) : Boolean Returns true when the input string ends with the given suffix.

If suffix is the empty string (‘’), the result is true.

If the input collection is empty, the result is empty.

If the input collection contains multiple items, the evaluation of the expression will end and signal an error to the calling environment.

`` ‘abcdefg’.endsWith(‘efg’) // true ‘abcdefg’.ednsWith(‘abc’) // false ``


5.3.9. exclude(other: collection) : collection Returns the set of elements that are not in the other collection. Duplicate items will not be eliminated by this function, and order will be preserved. e.g. (1 | 2 | 3).exclude(2) returns (1 | 3).


5.1.2. exists([criteria : expression]) : Boolean Returns true if the collection has any elements, and false otherwise. This is the opposite of empty(), and as such is a shorthand for empty().not(). If the input collection is empty ({ }), the result is false.

The function can also take an optional criteria to be applied to the collection prior to the determination of the exists. In this case, the function is shorthand for where(criteria).exists().


5.7.3. exp() : Decimal Returns e raised to the power of the input.

If the input collection contains an Integer, it will be implicitly converted to a Decimal and the result will be a Decimal.

If the input collection is empty, the result is empty.

If the input collection contains multiple items, the evaluation of the expression will end and signal an error to the calling environment.

`` 0.exp() // 1.0 (-0.0).exp() // 1.0 ``


5.3.3. first() : collection Returns a collection containing only the first item in the input collection. This function is equivalent to item[0], so it will return an empty collection if the input collection has no items.


5.7.4. floor() : Integer Returns the first integer less than or equal to the input.

If the input collection is empty, the result is empty.

If the input collection contains multiple items, the evaluation of the expression will end and signal an error to the calling environment.

`` 1.floor() // 1 2.1.floor() // 2 (-2.1).floor() // -3 ``


FHIRPath supports reflection to provide the ability for expressions to access type information describing the structure of values. The type() function returns the type information for each element of the input collection, using one of the following concrete subtypes of TypeInfo:


5.5.1. iif(criterion: expression, true-result: collection [, otherwise-result: collection]) : collection

The iif function in FHIRPath is an immediate if, also known as a conditional operator (such as C’s ? : operator). The criterion expression is expected to evaluate to a Boolean. If criterion is true, the function returns the value of the true-result argument.

If criterion is false or an empty collection, the function returns otherwise-result, unless the optional otherwise-result is not given, in which case the function returns an empty collection.

Note that short-circuit behavior is expected in this function. In other words, true-result should only be evaluated if the criterion evaluates to true, and otherwise-result should only be evaluated otherwise. For implementations, this means delaying evaluation of the arguments.


6.4.2. in (membership) If the left operand is a collection with a single item, this operator returns true if the item is in the right operand using equality semantics. If the left-hand side of the operator is empty, the result is empty, if the right-hand side is empty, the result is false. If the left operand has multiple items, an exception is thrown.

The following example returns true if ‘Joe’ is in the list of given names for the Patient: `` ‘Joe’ in Patient.name.given ``


5.6.1. indexOf(substring : String) : Integer Returns the 0-based index of the first position substring is found in the input string, or -1 if it is not found.

If substring is an empty string (‘’), the function returns 0.

If the input or substring is empty ({ }), the result is empty ({ }).

If the input collection contains multiple items, the evaluation of the expression will end and signal an error to the calling environment. ` 'abcdefg'.indexOf('bc') // 1 'abcdefg'.indexOf('x') // -1 'abcdefg'.indexOf('abcdefg') // 0 `


5.3.8. intersect(other: collection) : collection Returns the set of elements that are in both collections. Duplicate items will be eliminated by this function. Order of items is not guaranteed to be preserved in the result of this function.


5.1.12. isDistinct() : Boolean Returns true if all the items in the input collection are distinct. To determine whether two items are distinct, the = (Equals) (=) operator is used, as defined below.

Conceptually, this function is shorthand for a comparison of the count() of the input collection against the count() of the distinct() of the input collection: X.count() = X.distinct().count() This means that if the input collection is empty ({ }), the result is true.

is_(type_cls: Union[type, str])[source]

6.3.2. is(type : type specifier) The is() function is supported for backwards compatibility with previous implementations of FHIRPath. Just as with the is keyword, the type argument is an identifier that must resolve to the name of a type in a model. For implementations with compile-time typing, this requires special-case handling when processing the argument to treat it as a type specifier rather than an identifier expression: Patient.contained.all($this.is(Patient) implies age > 10)


5.3.4. last() : collection Returns a collection containing only the last item in the input collection. Will return an empty collection if the input collection has no items.


5.6.11. length() : Integer Returns the length of the input string. If the input collection is empty ({ }), the result is empty.


5.7.5. ln() : Decimal Returns the natural logarithm of the input (i.e. the logarithm base e).

When used with an Integer, it will be implicitly converted to a Decimal.

If the input collection is empty, the result is empty.

If the input collection contains multiple items, the evaluation of the expression will end and signal an error to the calling environment. `` 1.ln() // 0.0 1.0.ln() // 0.0 ``


5.7.6. log(base : Decimal) : Decimal Returns the logarithm base base of the input number.

When used with Integers, the arguments will be implicitly converted to Decimal.

If base is empty, the result is empty.

If the input collection is empty, the result is empty.

If the input collection contains multiple items, the evaluation of the expression will end and signal an error to the calling environment.

`` 16.log(2) // 4.0 100.0.log(10.0) // 2.0 ``


5.6.7. lower() : String Returns the input string with all characters converted to lower case.

If the input collection is empty, the result is empty.

If the input collection contains multiple items, the evaluation of the expression will end and signal an error to the calling environment.

`` ‘ABCDEFG’.lower() // ‘abcdefg’ ‘aBcDEFG’.lower() // ‘abcdefg’ ``


5.6.9. matches(regex : String) : Boolean Returns true when the value matches the given regular expression. Regular expressions should function consistently, regardless of any culture- and locale-specific settings in the environment, should be case-sensitive, use ‘single line’ mode and allow Unicode characters.

If the input collection or regex are empty, the result is empty ({ }).

If the input collection contains multiple items, the evaluation of the expression will end and signal an error to the calling environment.


now() : DateTime Returns the current date and time, including timezone offset.

ofType(type_cls: Union[type, str])[source]

5.2.4. ofType(type : type specifier) : collection Returns a collection that contains all items in the input collection that are of the given type or a subclass thereof. If the input collection is empty ({ }), the result is empty. The type argument is an identifier that must resolve to the name of a type in a model. For implementations with compile-time typing, this requires special-case handling when processing the argument to treat it as type specifier rather than an identifier expression: Bundle.entry.resource.ofType(Patient)

In the above example, the symbol Patient must be treated as a type identifier rather than a reference to a Patient in context.


5.7.7. power(exponent : Integer | Decimal) : Integer | Decimal Raises a number to the exponent power. If this function is used with Integers, the result is an Integer. If the function is used with Decimals, the result is a Decimal. If the function is used with a mixture of Integer and Decimal, the Integer is implicitly converted to a Decimal and the result is a Decimal.

If the power cannot be represented (such as the -1 raised to the 0.5), the result is empty.

If the input is empty, or exponent is empty, the result is empty.

If the input collection contains multiple items, the evaluation of the expression will end and signal an error to the calling environment.

`` 2.power(3) // 8 2.5.power(2) // 6.25 (-1).power(0.5) // empty ({ }) ``


5.2.3. repeat(projection: expression) : collection A version of select that will repeat the projection and add it to the output collection, as long as the projection yields new items (as determined by the = (Equals) (=) operator).

This function can be used to traverse a tree and selecting only specific children: ValueSet.expansion.repeat(contains)

Will repeat finding children called contains, until no new nodes are found. Questionnaire.repeat(item)

Will repeat finding children called item, until no new nodes are found. Note that this is slightly different from: Questionnaire.descendants().select(item)

which would find any descendants called item, not just the ones nested inside other item elements. The order of items returned by the repeat() function is undefined.


5.6.8. replace(pattern : String, substitution : String) : String Returns the input string with all instances of pattern replaced with substitution. If the substitution is the empty string (‘’), instances of pattern are removed from the result. If pattern is the empty string (‘’), every character in the input string is surrounded by the substitution, e.g. ‘abc’.replace(‘’,’x’) becomes ‘xaxbxcx’.

If the input collection, pattern, or substitution are empty, the result is empty ({ }).

If the input collection contains multiple items, the evaluation of the expression will end and signal an error to the calling environment.

`` ‘abcdefg’.replace(‘cde’, ‘123’) // ‘ab123fg’ ‘abcdefg’.replace(‘cde’, ‘’) // ‘abfg’ ‘abc’.replace(‘’, ‘x’) // ‘xaxbxcx’ ``

5.6.10. replaceMatches(regexString, substitution: String)String

Matches the input using the regular expression in regex and replaces each match with the substitution string. The substitution may refer to identified match groups in the regular expression.

If the input collection, regex, or substitution are empty, the result is empty ({ }).

If the input collection contains multiple items, the evaluation of the expression will end and signal an error to the calling environment.

This example of replaceMatches() will convert a string with a date formatted as MM/dd/yy to dd-MM-yy:

(?<day>\d{1,2})/(?<year>\d{2,4})\b', '${day}-${month}-${year}')

`` Note: Platforms will typically use native regular expression implementations. These are typically fairly similar, but there will always be small differences. As such, FHIRPath does not prescribe a particular dialect, but recommends the use of the [PCRE] flavor as the dialect most likely to be broadly supported and understood.``


5.7.8. round([precision : Integer]) : Decimal Rounds the decimal to the nearest whole number using a traditional round (i.e. 0.5 or higher will round to 1). If specified, the precision argument determines the decimal place at which the rounding will occur. If not specified, the rounding will default to 0 decimal places.

If specified, the number of digits of precision must be >= 0 or the evaluation will end and signal an error to the calling environment.

If the input collection contains a single item of type Integer, it will be implicitly converted to a Decimal.

If the input collection is empty, the result is empty.

If the input collection contains multiple items, the evaluation of the expression will end and signal an error to the calling environment.

`` 1.round() // 1 3.14159.round(3) // 3.142 ``


5.2.2. select(projection: expression) : collection Evaluates the projection expression for each item in the input collection. The result of each evaluation is added to the output collection. If the evaluation results in a collection with multiple items, all items are added to the output collection (collections resulting from evaluation of projection are flattened). This means that if the evaluation for an element results in the empty collection ({ }), no element is added to the result, and that if the input collection is empty ({ }), the result is empty as well. Bundle.entry.select(resource as Patient)

This example results in a collection with only the patient resources from the bundle. Bundle.entry.select((resource as Patient).telecom.where(system = 'phone'))

This example results in a collection with all the telecom elements with system of phone for all the patients in the bundle. Patient.name.where(use = 'usual').select(given.first() + ' ' + family) This example returns a collection containing, for each “usual” name for the Patient, the concatenation of the first given and family names.


5.3.2. single() : collection Will return the single item in the input if there is just one item. If the input collection is empty ({ }), the result is empty. If there are multiple items, an error is signaled to the evaluation environment. This function is useful for ensuring that an error is returned if an assumption about cardinality is violated at run-time.

The following example returns the name of the Patient if there is one. If there are no names, an empty collection, and if there are multiple names, an error is signaled to the evaluation environment: Patient.name.single()

skip(num: int)[source]

5.3.6. skip(num : Integer) : collection Returns a collection containing all but the first num items in the input collection. Will return an empty collection if there are no items remaining after the indicated number of items have been skipped, or if the input collection is empty. If num is less than or equal to zero, the input collection is simply returned.


5.7.9. sqrt() : Decimal Returns the square root of the input number as a Decimal.

If the square root cannot be represented (such as the square root of -1), the result is empty.

If the input collection is empty, the result is empty.

If the input collection contains multiple items, the evaluation of the expression will end and signal an error to the calling environment.

Note that this function is equivalent to raising a number of the power of 0.5 using the power() function.

`` 81.sqrt() // 9.0 (-1).sqrt() // empty ``


5.6.3. startsWith(prefix : String) : Boolean Returns true when the input string starts with the given prefix.

If prefix is the empty string (‘’), the result is true.

If the input collection is empty, the result is empty.

If the input collection contains multiple items, the evaluation of the expression will end and signal an error to the calling environment.

`` ‘abcdefg’.startsWith(‘abc’) // true ‘abcdefg’.startsWith(‘xyz’) // false ``


5.1.8. subsetOf(other : collection) : Boolean Returns true if all items in the input collection are members of the collection passed as the other argument. Membership is determined using the = (Equals) (=) operation.

Conceptually, this function is evaluated by testing each element in the input collection for membership in the other collection, with a default of true. This means that if the input collection is empty ({ }), the result is true, otherwise if the other collection is empty ({ }), the result is false.

The following example returns true if the tags defined in any contained resource are a subset of the tags defined in the MedicationRequest resource: MedicationRequest.contained.meta.tag.subsetOf(MedicationRequest.meta.tag)


5.6.2. substring(start : Integer [, length : Integer]) : String Returns the part of the string starting at position start (zero-based). If length is given, will return at most length number of characters from the input string.

If start lies outside the length of the string, the function returns empty ({ }). If there are less remaining characters in the string than indicated by length, the function returns just the remaining characters.

If the input or start is empty, the result is empty.

If an empty length is provided, the behavior is the same as if length had not been provided.

If the input collection contains multiple items, the evaluation of the expression will end and signal an error to the calling environment.

`` ‘abcdefg’.substring(3) // ‘defg’ ‘abcdefg’.substring(1, 2) // ‘bc’ ‘abcdefg’.substring(6, 2) // ‘g’ ‘abcdefg’.substring(7, 1) // { } ``


5.1.9. supersetOf(other : collection) : Boolean Returns true if all items in the collection passed as the other argument are members of the input collection. Membership is determined using the = (Equals) (=) operation.

Conceptually, this function is evaluated by testing each element in the other collection for membership in the input collection, with a default of true. This means that if the other collection is empty ({ }), the result is true, otherwise if the input collection is empty ({ }), the result is false.

The following example returns true if the tags defined in any contained resource are a superset of the tags defined in the MedicationRequest resource: MedicationRequest.contained.meta.tag.supersetOf(MedicationRequest.meta.tag)


5.3.5. tail() : collection Returns a collection containing all but the first item in the input collection. Will return an empty collection if the input collection has no items, or only one item.

take(num: int)[source]

5.3.7. take(num : Integer) : collection Returns a collection containing the first num items in the input collection, or less if there are less than num items. If num is less than or equal to 0, or if the input collection is empty ({ }), take returns an empty collection.


timeOfDay() : Time Returns the current time.


5.5.2 toBoolean() : Boolean If the input collection contains a single item, this function will return a single boolean if:

  • the item is a Boolean

  • the item is an Integer and is equal to one of the possible integer representations of Boolean values

  • the item is a Decimal that is equal to one of the possible decimal representations of Boolean values

  • the item is a String that is equal to one of the possible string representations of Boolean values

If the item is not one the above types, or the item is a String, Integer, or Decimal, but is not equal to one of the possible values convertible to a Boolean, the result is empty. @see: https://www.hl7.org/fhirpath/#boolean-conversion-functions


5.6.12. toChars() : collection Returns the list of characters in the input string. If the input collection is empty ({ }), the result is empty. `` ‘abc’.toChars() // { ‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’ } ``


5.5.4 toDate() : Date If the input collection contains a single item, this function will return a single date if:

  • the item is a Date

  • the item is a DateTime

  • the item is a String and is convertible to a Date

If the item is not one of the above types, the result is empty.

If the item is a String, but the string is not convertible to a Date (using the format YYYY-MM-DD), the result is empty.

If the input collection contains multiple items, the evaluation of the expression will end and signal an error to the calling environment.

If the input collection is empty, the result is empty.


5.5.5 toDateTime() : DateTime If the input collection contains a single item, this function will return a single datetime if:

  • the item is a DateTime

  • the item is a Date, in which case the result is a DateTime with the year, month, and day of the Date, and the time components empty (not set to zero)

  • the item is a String and is convertible to a DateTime

If the item is not one of the above types, the result is empty. If the item is a String, but the string is not convertible to a DateTime (using the format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.fff(+|-)hh:mm), the result is empty.

If the item contains a partial datetime (e.g. ‘2012-01-01T10:00’), the result is a partial datetime.

If the input collection contains multiple items, the evaluation of the expression will end and signal an error to the calling environment.

If the input collection is empty, the result is empty.


5.5.6. toDecimal() : Decimal If the input collection contains a single item, this function will return a single decimal if:

  • the item is an Integer or Decimal

  • the item is a String and is convertible to a Decimal

  • the item is a Boolean, where true results in a 1.0 and false results in a 0.0.

If the item is not one of the above types, the result is empty.

If the item is a String, but the string is not convertible to a Decimal (using the regex format (+|-)?d+(.d+)?), the result is empty.

If the input collection contains multiple items, the evaluation of the expression will end and signal an error to the calling environment.

If the input collection is empty, the result is empty.


5.5.3 toInteger() : Integer If the input collection contains a single item, this function will return a single integer if:

  • the item is an Integer

  • the item is a String and is convertible to an integer

  • the item is a Boolean, where true results in a 1 and false results in a 0.

If the item is not one the above types, the result is empty.

If the item is a String, but the string is not convertible to an integer (using the regex format (\+|-)?\d+), the result is empty. If the input collection contains multiple items, the evaluation of the expression will end and signal an error to the calling environment. If the input collection is empty, the result is empty.


5.5.7. toQuantity([unit : String]) : Quantity If the input collection contains a single item, this function will return a single quantity if:

  • the item is an Integer, or Decimal, where the resulting quantity will have the default unit (‘1’)

  • the item is a Quantity

  • the item is a String and is convertible to a Quantity

  • the item is a Boolean, where true results in the quantity 1.0 ‘1’, and false results in the quantity 0.0 ‘1’

If the item is not one of the above types, the result is empty. If the item is a String, but the string is not convertible

to a Quantity using the following regex format: (?'value'(\+|-)?\d+(\.\d+)?)\s*('(?'unit'[^']+)'|(?'time'[a-zA-Z]+))? then the result is empty. For example, the following are valid quantity strings: '4 days' '10 'mg[Hg]''

If the input collection contains multiple items, the evaluation of the expression will end and signal an error to the calling environment.

If the input collection is empty, the result is empty. @see https://www.hl7.org/fhirpath/#toquantityunit-string-quantity


5.5.8. toString() : String If the input collection contains a single item, this function will return a single String if:

  • the item in the input collection is a String

  • the item in the input collection is an Integer, Decimal, Date, Time, DateTime, or Quantity the output will contain its String representation

  • the item is a Boolean, where true results in ‘true’ and false in ‘false’.

If the item is not one of the above types, the result is false. @see https://www.hl7.org/fhirpath/#tostring-string


5.5.9. toTime() : Time If the input collection contains a single item, this function will return a single time if:

  • the item is a Time

  • the item is a String and is convertible to a Time

If the item is not one of the above types, the result is empty.

If the item is a String, but the string is not convertible to a Time (using the format hh:mm:ss.fff(+|-)hh:mm), the result is empty.

If the item contains a partial time (e.g. ‘10:00’), the result is a partial time.

If the input collection contains multiple items, the evaluation of the expression will end and signal an error to the calling environment.

If the input collection is empty, the result is empty.


today() : Date Returns the current date.


5.9.1. trace(name : String [, projection: Expression]) : collection Adds a String representation of the input collection to the diagnostic log, using the name argument as the name in the log. This log should be made available to the user in some appropriate fashion. Does not change the input, so returns the input collection as output.

If the projection argument is used, the trace would log the result of evaluating the project expression on the input, but still return the input to the trace function unchanged.

contained.where(criteria).trace('unmatched', id).empty() The above example traces only the id elements of the result of the where.


5.7.10. truncate() : Integer Returns the integer portion of the input.

If the input collection is empty, the result is empty.

If the input collection contains multiple items, the evaluation of the expression will end and signal an error to the calling environment.

`` 101.truncate() // 101 1.00000001.truncate() // 1 (-1.56).truncate() // -1 ``


5.4.1. union(other : collection) Merge the two collections into a single collection, eliminating any duplicate values (using = (Equals) (=) to determine equality). There is no expectation of order in the resulting collection.

In other words, this function returns the distinct list of elements from both inputs. For example, consider two lists of integers A: 1, 1, 2, 3 and B: 2, 3: A union B // 1, 2, 3 A union { } // 1, 2, 3

This function can also be invoked using the | operator. a.union(b) is synonymous with a | b


5.6.6. upper() : String Returns the input string with all characters converted to upper case.

If the input collection is empty, the result is empty.

If the input collection contains multiple items, the evaluation of the expression will end and signal an error to the calling environment.

`` ‘abcdefg’.upper() // ‘ABCDEFG’ ‘AbCdefg’.upper() // ‘ABCDEFG’ ``


5.2.1. where(criteria : expression) : collection Returns a collection containing only those elements in the input collection for which the stated criteria expression evaluates to true. Elements for which the expression evaluates to false or empty ({ }) are not included in the result

If the input collection is empty ({ }), the result is empty. If the result of evaluating the condition is other than a single boolean value, the evaluation will end and signal an error to the calling environment, consistent with singleton evaluation of collections behavior.

The following example returns the list of telecom elements that have a use element with the value of ‘official’: Patient.telecom.where(use = 'official')

class fhirpath.fhirpath.ListTypeInfo[source]

Bases: object

For collection types, the result is a ListTypeInfo: ListTypeInfo { elementType: TypeSpecifier }

For example: Patient.address.type()

Results in:

{ListTypeInfo { elementType: 'FHIR.Address' }}

elementType: fhirpath.types.TypeSpecifier
classmethod from_specifier(specifier)fhirpath.fhirpath.ListTypeInfo[source]
get_elements() → Union[List[fhirpath.fhirpath.ClassInfoElement], List[fhirpath.fhirpath.TupleTypeInfoElement]][source]
class fhirpath.fhirpath.SimpleTypeInfo[source]

Bases: object

For primitive types such as String and Integer, the result is a SimpleTypeInfo:

baseType: fhirpath.types.TypeSpecifier
classmethod from_type_specifier(specifier: fhirpath.types.TypeSpecifier)fhirpath.fhirpath.SimpleTypeInfo[source]
name: str
namespace: str
class fhirpath.fhirpath.TupleTypeInfo[source]

Bases: object

Anonymous types are structured types that have no associated name, only the elements of the structure. For example, in FHIR, the Patient.contact element has multiple sub-elements, but is not explicitly named. For types such as this, the result is a TupleTypeInfo: @see http://hl7.org/fhirpath/N1/#anonymous-types

static build_elements(model_class: Type[FHIRAbstractModel]) → List[fhirpath.fhirpath.TupleTypeInfoElement][source]
element: List[fhirpath.fhirpath.TupleTypeInfoElement]
classmethod from_model(model_class: Type[FHIRAbstractModel])TupleTypeInfo[source]
get_elements() → List[fhirpath.fhirpath.TupleTypeInfoElement][source]
class fhirpath.fhirpath.TupleTypeInfoElement(name: str, *, py_name: str, type_: fhirpath.types.TypeSpecifier, is_one_based: bool = None, one_of_many_name: str = None)[source]

Bases: fhirpath.fhirpath.ClassInfoElement

isOneBased: Optional[bool]
name: str
type: fhirpath.types.TypeSpecifier
fhirpath.fhirpath.collection_type_required(func: Callable)[source]

fhirpath.model module

class fhirpath.model.Model[source]

Bases: object

static create(resource_type: str, fhir_release: fhirpath.enums.FHIR_VERSION = <FHIR_VERSION.DEFAULT: 'R4'>)[source]
class fhirpath.model.ModelFactory(name, bases, attrs, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: type

FHIR Model factory

add_to_class(name, value)[source]

fhirpath.query module

class fhirpath.query.AsyncQueryResult(query: fhirpath.query.Query, engine: Engine, unrestricted: bool = False)[source]

Bases: fhirpath.query.QueryResult

async count()[source]

Returns the integer count of the number of items in the input collection. Returns 0 when the input collection is empty.

async empty()[source]

Returns true if the input collection is empty ({ }) and false otherwise.

async fetchall()[source]
async first()[source]
async single()[source]
fhirpath.query.Q_(resource: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None, engine=None)[source]
class fhirpath.query.Query(fhir_release: fhirpath.enums.FHIR_VERSION, from_: fhirpath.fql.types.FromClause, select: fhirpath.fql.types.SelectClause, element: fhirpath.fql.types.ElementClause, where: fhirpath.fql.types.WhereClause, sort: fhirpath.fql.types.SortClause, limit: fhirpath.fql.types.LimitClause)[source]

Bases: abc.ABC

classmethod from_builder(builder: fhirpath.query.QueryBuilder)fhirpath.query.Query[source]

Create Query object from QueryBuilder. Kind of reverse process

class fhirpath.query.QueryBuilder(engine: Optional[Engine] = None)[source]

Bases: abc.ABC

bind(engine: Engine)[source]
element(*args, **kwargs)
finalize(engine: Optional[Engine] = None)[source]
from_(*args, **kwargs)
limit(*args, **kwargs)
select(*args, **kwargs)
sort(*args, **kwargs)
where(*args, **kwargs)
class fhirpath.query.QueryResult(query: fhirpath.query.Query, engine: Engine, unrestricted: bool = False)[source]

Bases: abc.ABC


Lazy loading es results with negative index support. We store the results in buckets of what the bulk size is. This is so you can skip around in the indexes without needing to load all the data. Example(all zero based indexing here remember):

(525 results with bulk size 50)
- self[0]: 0 bucket, 0 item
- self[10]: 0 bucket, 10 item
- self[50]: 50 bucket: 0 item
- self[55]: 50 bucket: 5 item
- self[352]: 350 bucket: 2 item
- self[-1]: 500 bucket: 24 item
- self[-2]: 500 bucket: 23 item
- self[-55]: 450 bucket: 19 item
count() → int[source]

Returns the integer count of the number of items in the input collection. Returns 0 when the input collection is empty.


Returns EngineResult

empty() → bool[source]

Returns true if the input collection is empty ({ }) and false otherwise.


Returns a collection containing only the first item in the input collection. This function is equivalent to item(0), so it will return an empty collection if the input collection has no items.


Returns a collection containing only the last item in the input collection. Will return an empty collection if the input collection has no items.


Will return the single item in the input if there is just one item. If the input collection is empty ({ }), the result is empty. If there are multiple items, an error is signaled to the evaluation environment. This operation is useful for ensuring that an error is returned if an assumption about cardinality is violated at run-time.

skip(num: int)[source]

Returns a collection containing all but the first num items in the input collection. Will return an empty collection if there are no items remaining after the indicated number of items have been skipped, or if the input collection is empty. If num is less than or equal to zero, the input collection is simply returned.


Returns a collection containing all but the first item in the input collection. Will return an empty collection if the input collection has no items, or only one item.

take(num: int)[source]

Returns a collection containing the first num items in the input collection, or less if there are less than num items. If num is less than or equal to 0, or if the input collection is empty ({ }), take returns an empty collection.

fhirpath.search module

class fhirpath.search.AsyncSearch(context: fhirpath.search.SearchContext, query_string=None, params=None)[source]

Bases: fhirpath.search.Search

class fhirpath.search.Search(context: fhirpath.search.SearchContext, query_string=None, params=None)[source]

Bases: object

add_term(normalized_data, terms_container)[source]

Create QueryBuilder from search query string

create_address_term(path_, param_value, modifier)[source]
create_codeableconcept_term(path_, param_value, modifier)[source]
create_coding_term(path_, param_value, modifier)[source]
create_contactpoint_term(path_, param_value, modifier)[source]
create_exists_term(path_, param_value, modifier)[source]
create_humanname_term(path_, param_value, modifier)[source]
create_identifier_term(path_, param_value, modifier)[source]
create_money_term(path_, param_value, modifier)[source]
create_period_term(path_, param_value, modifier)[source]
create_quantity_term(path_, param_value, modifier)[source]
create_reference_term(path_, param_value, modifier)[source]
create_term(path_, value, modifier)[source]
classmethod from_params(context, params)[source]
classmethod from_query_string(query_string)[source]
has() → List[Tuple[fhirpath.fhirspec.spec.SearchParameter, fhirpath.query.QueryResult]][source]

This function handles the _has keyword.

include(main_query_result: fhirpath.engine.base.EngineResult) → List[fhirpath.query.QueryResult][source]

This function handles the _include keyword.

static parse_query_string(query_string, allow_none=False)[source]

param:request param:allow_none


making search, sort, limit, params Result Parameters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _sort _count _include _revinclude _summary _total _elements _contained _containedType

response(result, includes, as_json)[source]
rev_include(main_query_result: fhirpath.engine.base.EngineResult) → List[fhirpath.query.QueryResult][source]

This function handles the _revinclude keyword.

single_valued_address_term(path_, value, modifier)[source]
single_valued_codeableconcept_term(path_, value, modifier)[source]
single_valued_coding_term(path_, value, modifier)[source]
single_valued_contactpoint_term(path_, value, modifier)[source]
single_valued_humanname_term(path_, value, modifier)[source]
single_valued_identifier_term(path_, value, modifier)[source]
single_valued_money_term(path_, value, modifier)[source]
single_valued_period_term(path_, value, modifier)[source]
single_valued_quantity_term(path_, value, modifier)[source]
single_valued_reference_term(path_, value, modifier)[source]
static validate_normalized_value(param_name, param_value, modifier)[source]
  • param_name

  • param_value

  • modifier

static validate_params(context, query_string, params)[source]
validate_pre_term(operator_, path_, value, modifier)[source]
class fhirpath.search.SearchContext(engine, resource_type, unrestricted=False, async_result=None)[source]

Bases: object

augment_with_types(resource_types: List[str])[source]
definitions: List[fhirpath.fhirspec.spec.ResourceSearchParameterDefinition]
get_parameters_definition(fhir_release: fhirpath.enums.FHIR_VERSION) → List[fhirpath.fhirspec.spec.ResourceSearchParameterDefinition][source]
normalize_param(param_name, raw_value) → List[Tuple[fhirpath.fql.types.ElementPath, str, Optional[str]]][source]
normalize_param_value(raw_value: Union[List, str], search_param: fhirpath.fhirspec.spec.SearchParameter)[source]
parse_composite_parameter_component(component, raw_value, param_def, modifier)[source]
resolve_path_context(search_param: fhirpath.fhirspec.spec.SearchParameter)[source]

fhirpath.storage module

class fhirpath.storage.MemoryStorage[source]

Bases: collections.defaultdict

get(item, default=<NO_VALUE>)[source]
insert(item, value)[source]

fhirpath.types module

©FHIR Data Primitive Types https://www.hl7.org/fhir/datatypes.html#primitive

class fhirpath.types.FhirBase64Binary[source]

Bases: bytes

A stream of bytes, base64 encoded (RFC 4648 ) There is no specified upper limit to the size of a binary, but systems will have to impose some implementation based limit to the size they support. This should be clearly documented, though there is no computable for this at this time

XML Representation: xs:base64Binary JSON representation: A JSON string - base64 content

to_python() → bytes[source]
class fhirpath.types.FhirBoolean[source]

Bases: fhirpath.types.FhirPrimitiveType

XML Representation: xs:boolean, except that 0 and 1 are not valid values JSON representation: JSON boolean (true or false)

to_python() → bool[source]
class fhirpath.types.FhirCanonical[source]

Bases: fhirpath.types.FhirPrimitiveType

A URI that refers to a resource by its canonical URL (resources with a url property). The canonical type differs from a uri in that it has special meaning in this specification, and in that it may have a version appended, separated by avertical bar (|).Note that the type canonical is not used for the actual canonical URLs that are the target of these references, but for the URIs that refer to them, and may have the version suffix in them. Like other URIs, elements of type canonical may also have #fragment references

XML Representation: xs:anyURI JSON representation: A JSON string - a canonical URL

to_python() → str[source]
class fhirpath.types.FhirCode[source]

Bases: fhirpath.types.FhirPrimitiveType

Indicates that the value is taken from a set of controlled strings defined elsewhere (see Using codes for further discussion). Technically, a code is restricted to a string which has at least one character and no leading or trailing whitespace, and where there is no whitespace other than single spaces in the contents

XML Representation: xs:token JSON representation: JSON string

to_python() → str[source]
class fhirpath.types.FhirDate[source]

Bases: fhirpath.types.FhirPrimitiveType

A date, or partial date (e.g. just year or year + month) as used in human communication. The format is YYYY, YYYY-MM, or YYYY-MM-DD, e.g. 2018, 1973-06, or 1905-08-23. There SHALL be no time zone. Dates SHALL be valid dates

XML Representation: union of xs:date, xs:gYearMonth, xs:gYear JSON representation: A JSON string - a union of xs:date, xs:gYearMonth, xs:gYear

to_python() → datetime.date[source]
class fhirpath.types.FhirDateTime[source]

Bases: fhirpath.types.FhirPrimitiveType

A date, date-time or partial date (e.g. just year or year + month) as used in human communication. The format is YYYY, YYYY-MM, YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss+zz:zz, e.g. 2018, 1973-06, 1905-08-23, 2015-02-07T13:28:17-05:00 or 2017-01-01T00:00:00.000Z. If hours and minutes are specified, a time zone SHALL be populated. Seconds must be provided due to schema type constraints but may be zero-filled and may be ignored at receiver discretion. Dates SHALL be valid dates. The time “24:00” is not allowed. Leap Seconds are allowed

XML Representation: union of xs:dateTime, xs:date, xs:gYearMonth, xs:gYear JSON representation: A JSON string - a union of xs:dateTime, xs:date, xs:gYearMonth, xs:gYear

to_python() → datetime.datetime[source]
class fhirpath.types.FhirDecimal[source]

Bases: fhirpath.types.FhirPrimitiveType

Rational numbers that have a decimal representation. The precision of the decimal value has significance:

  • e.g. 0.010 is regarded as different to 0.01, and the original precision should be preserved

  • Implementations SHALL handle decimal values in ways that preserve and respect the precision of the value as represented for presentation purposes

  • Implementations are not required to perform calculations with these numbers differently, though they may choose to do so (i.e. preserve significance)

  • In object code, implementations that might meet this constraint are GMP implementations or equivalents to Java BigDecimal that implement arbitrary precision, or a combination of a (64 bit) floating point value with a precision field

  • Note that large and/or highly precise values are extremely rare in medicine. One element where highly precise decimals may be encountered is the Location coordinates. Irrespective of this, the limits documented in XML Schema apply

XML Representation: union of xs:decimal and xs:double (see below for limitations) JSON representation: A JSON number (see below for limitations)

to_python() → float[source]
class fhirpath.types.FhirId[source]

Bases: fhirpath.types.FhirPrimitiveType

Any combination of upper- or lower-case ASCII letters (‘A’..’Z’, and ‘a’..’z’, numerals (‘0’..’9’), ‘-‘ and ‘.’, with a length limit of 64 characters. (This might be an integer, an un-prefixed OID, UUID or any other identifier pattern that meets these constraints.)

XML Representation: xs:string JSON representation: JSON string

to_python() → str[source]
class fhirpath.types.FhirInstant[source]

Bases: fhirpath.types.FhirPrimitiveType

An instant in time in the format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sss+zz:zz (e.g. 2015-02-07T13:28:17.239+02:00 or 2017-01-01T00:00:00Z). The time SHALL specified at least to the second and SHALL include a time zone. Note: This is intended for when precisely observed times are required (typically system logs etc.), and not human-reported times - for those, use date or dateTime (which can be as precise as instant, but is not required to be). instant is a more constrained dateTime

XML Representation: xs:dateTime JSON representation: A JSON string - an xs:dateTime

to_python() → datetime.datetime[source]
class fhirpath.types.FhirInteger[source]

Bases: fhirpath.types.FhirPrimitiveType

A signed integer in the range −2,147,483,648..2,147,483,647 (32-bit; for larger values, use decimal)

XML Representation: xs:int, except that leading 0 digits are not allowed JSON representation: JSON number (with no decimal point)

to_python() → int[source]
class fhirpath.types.FhirMarkdown[source]

Bases: fhirpath.types.FhirPrimitiveType

A FHIR string (see above) that may contain markdown syntax for optional processing by a markdown presentation engine, in the GFM extension of CommonMark format (see below)

About the markdown datatype: - This specification requires and uses the GFM (Github Flavored Markdown) extensions on CommonMark format - Note that GFM prohibits Raw HTML - Systems are not required to have markdown support, so the content of a string should be readable without markdown processing, per markdown philosophy - Markdown content SHALL NOT contain Unicode character points below 32, except for u0009 (horizontal tab), u0010 (carriage return) and u0013 (line feed) - Markdown is a string, and subject to the same rules (e.g. length limit) - Converting an element that has the type string to markdown in a later version of this FHIR specification is not considered a breaking change (neither is adding markdown as a choice to an optional element that already has a choice of data types)

XML Representation: xs:string JSON representation: JSON string

to_python() → str[source]
class fhirpath.types.FhirOid[source]

Bases: fhirpath.types.FhirPrimitiveType

An OID represented as a URI (RFC 3001 ); e.g. urn:oid:

XML Representation: xs:anyURI JSON representation: JSON string - uri

to_python() → str[source]
class fhirpath.types.FhirPositiveInt[source]

Bases: fhirpath.types.FhirPrimitiveType

Any positive integer in the range 1..2,147,483,647

XML Representation: xs:positiveInteger JSON representation: JSON number

to_python() → int[source]
class fhirpath.types.FhirString[source]

Bases: fhirpath.types.FhirPrimitiveType

A sequence of Unicode characters Note that strings SHALL NOT exceed 1MB (1024*1024 characters) in size. Strings SHOULD not contain Unicode character points below 32, except for u0009 (horizontal tab), u0010 (carriage return) and u0013 (line feed). Leading and Trailing whitespace is allowed, but SHOULD be removed when using the XML format. Note: This means that a string that consists only of whitespace could be trimmed to nothing, which would be treated as an invalid element value. Therefore strings SHOULD always contain non-whitespace content

XML Representation: xs:string JSON representation: JSON String

to_python() → str[source]
class fhirpath.types.FhirTime[source]

Bases: fhirpath.types.FhirPrimitiveType

A time during the day, in the format hh:mm:ss. There is no date specified. Seconds must be provided due to schema type constraints but may be zero-filled and may be ignored at receiver discretion. The time “24:00” SHALL NOT be used. A time zone SHALL NOT be present. Times can be converted to a Duration since midnight.

XML Representation: xs:time JSON representation: A JSON string - an xs:time

to_python() → float[source]
class fhirpath.types.FhirURI[source]

Bases: fhirpath.types.FhirPrimitiveType

A Uniform Resource Identifier Reference (RFC 3986 ). Note: URIs are case sensitive. For UUID (urn:uuid:53fefa32-fcbb-4ff8-8a92-55ee120877b7) use all lowercase

XML Representation: xs:anyURI JSON representation: A JSON string - a URI

to_python() → str[source]
class fhirpath.types.FhirURL[source]

Bases: fhirpath.types.FhirPrimitiveType

A Uniform Resource Locator (RFC 1738 ). Note URLs are accessed directly using the specified protocol. Common URL protocols are http{s}:, ftp:, mailto: and mllp:, though many others are defined

XML Representation: xs:anyURI JSON representation: A JSON string - a URL

to_python() → str[source]
class fhirpath.types.FhirUUID[source]

Bases: fhirpath.types.FhirPrimitiveType

A UUID (aka GUID) represented as a URI (RFC 4122 ); e.g. urn:uuid:c757873d-ec9a-4326-a141-556f43239520

XML Representation: xs:anyURI JSON representation: JSON string - uri

to_python() → str[source]
class fhirpath.types.FhirUnsignedInt[source]

Bases: fhirpath.types.FhirPrimitiveType

Any non-negative integer in the range 0..2,147,483,647

XML Representation: xs:nonNegativeInteger JSON representation: JSON number

to_python() → int[source]

fhirpath.utils module

class fhirpath.utils.BundleWrapper(engine, result, includes: List, url: yarl.URL, bundle_type='searchset', *, base_url: yarl.URL = None, init_data: Dict[str, Any] = None)[source]

Bases: object

attach_entry(result, mode='match')[source]
static calculate_fhir_base_url(url: yarl.URL) → yarl.URL[source]

https://www.hl7.org/fhir/Bundle.html Section: 2.36.4 Resource URL & Uniqueness rules in a bundle. Section: Resolving references in Bundles.

classmethod fhir_rest_server_path_pattern()[source]
static init_data() → Dict[str, Any][source]

Initialized Bundle data

resolve_absolute_uri(relative_path: str) → yarl.URL[source]
class fhirpath.utils.EmptyPathInfoContext[source]

Bases: object

Empty PathInfoContext for start(*) path!

class fhirpath.utils.PathInfoContext(path: str, fhir_release: fhirpath.enums.FHIR_VERSION, prop_name: str, prop_original: str, type_name: str, type_class: Union[bool, AbstractBaseType, AbstractType, Primitive], type_field: ModelField, type_model_config: Type[BaseConfig], optional: bool, multiple: bool, type_is_primitive: bool, resource_type: str)[source]

Bases: object

property children
classmethod context_from_path(pathname: str, fhir_release: fhirpath.enums.FHIR_VERSION) → Union[fhirpath.utils.PathInfoContext, fhirpath.utils.EmptyPathInfoContext][source]
property parent

pydantic way to validate value

class fhirpath.utils.PathInfoContextProxy(context: fhirpath.utils.PathInfoContext)[source]

Bases: fhirpath.thirdparty.peewee.Proxy


Decorator for wrapper “builder” functions. These are functions on the Query class or other classes used for building queries which mutate the query and return self. To make the build functions immutable, this decorator is used which will deepcopy the current instance. This decorator will return the return value of the inner function or the new copy of the instance. The inner function does not need to return self.

fhirpath.utils.expand_path(path_: str) → str[source]

Path normalizer Supports: 1. Home Path expander 2. Package path discovery

fhirpath.utils.fallback_callable(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Always return None

fhirpath.utils.force_bytes(string: str, encoding: str = 'utf8', errors: str = 'strict') → bytes[source]
fhirpath.utils.force_str(value: Any, allow_non_str: bool = True) → str[source]
fhirpath.utils.get_local_timezone() → datetime.timezone[source]
fhirpath.utils.import_string(dotted_path: str) → type[source]

Shameless hack from django utils, please don’t mind!

fhirpath.utils.lookup_all_fhir_domain_resource_classes(fhir_release: fhirpath.enums.FHIR_VERSION = <FHIR_VERSION.DEFAULT: 'R4'>) → Dict[str, str][source]
fhirpath.utils.lookup_fhir_class(resource_type: str, fhir_release: fhirpath.enums.FHIR_VERSION = <FHIR_VERSION.DEFAULT: 'R4'>) → Type[FHIRAbstractModel][source]
fhirpath.utils.lookup_fhir_class_path(resource_type: str, cache: bool = True, fhir_release: fhirpath.enums.FHIR_VERSION = <FHIR_VERSION.DEFAULT: 'R4'>) → Optional[str][source]

This function finds FHIR resource model class (from fhir.resources) and return dotted path string.

  • resource_type – the resource type name (required). i.e Organization

  • cache – (default True) the flag which indicates should query fresh or serve from cache if available.

  • fhir_release – FHIR Release (version) name. i.e FHIR_VERSION.STU3, FHIR_VERSION.R4

:return dotted full string path. i.e fhir.resources.organization.Organization


>>> from fhirpath.utils import lookup_fhir_class_path
>>> from zope.interface import Invalid
>>> dotted_path = lookup_fhir_class_path('Patient')
>>> 'fhir.resources.patient.Patient' == dotted_path
>>> dotted_path = lookup_fhir_class_path('FakeResource')
>>> dotted_path is None

Making proxy of any object

fhirpath.utils.reraise(klass, msg=None, callback=None, **kw)[source]

Reraise custom exception class

fhirpath.utils.timestamp_local() → datetime.datetime[source]

Timezone aware datetime with local timezone offset

fhirpath.utils.timestamp_utc() → datetime.datetime[source]

UTC datetime with timezone offset


fhirpath.version module

Module contents

Top-level package for fhirpath.
